Lyndsey Ingram was founded in 2016 with a focus on important post war and contemporary prints. Since moving into our Mayfair location in 2017, the gallery program has diversified and we now have a stable of contemporary artists, whose work we represent and show alongside prints and editions by leading international artists. The artists we represent work in a range of mediums and we encourage an interdisciplinary approach.
We have a program of six to eight exhibitions in our gallery each year and aim to present work in ways that are energising and engaging, often making unusual combinations and unexpected dialogues.
The gallery participates in several international art fairs annually, often with curated presentations or solo booths for individual artists. We are a member of the Society of London Art Dealers and the International Fine Print Dealers Association.
Jane Hammond, Etruscan Kernos with Guianan Trogon, Four O'Clocks and Pineapple Lily, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Lyndsey Ingram
Jane Hammond, Persian Vase with Black Pussy Willows, Cuban Tody and Naked Man Orchid, 2023. Courtesy of the artist and Lyndsey Ingram
The gallery will exhibit a solo presentation of botanical collages by American female artist Jane Hammond.
Hammond collects visual materials for her collages from myriad sources including books on horticulture, images found online and hand-printed woodcut elements. She describes how, from an early age, her grandmother encouraged her to memorise the latin names for 100 flowers. This early interest in horticulture is at the heart of her current body of work - complex and vibrant collaged arrangements of flora and fauna in fantastical combinations that would never exist in nature.
Hammond plays with the scale of her carefully chosen flowers, insects and animals - enlarging bugs and shrinking flowers, lending the works a surreal quality. Each collage has a narrative behind its construction - in an earlier work, for instance, Hammond compiled an imagined bouquet where every element was poisonous and in another she included the various stages in the life cycle of a monarch butterfly.
The artist's knowledge of, and interest in, ceramics is palpable in her inclusion of unusual vessels as vases. The breadth of her source material is also evident in the vessels, which range from ancient and ritualistic pots to gleaming champagne buckets.
Exhibiting Artists
Jane Hammond